Interested in INCREASING YOUR WELL-BEING? Interior designing for your wellbeing at home, is that even a thing? Smith et al. (2012, p. 2) recognized that ‘historically, wellbeing and interior design have been linked through the creation of hospitals, doctors’ surgeries and other related facilities for health care and treatment of illness. Recent trends in interior architecture have broadened the scope beyond the medical model of treating the sick, aged and disabled to the wellbeing of all people in their everyday environments (Smith, 2011). However, interior architecture often goes unnoticed in discussions concerning wellbeing’. This is a viewpoint from 2011. I would venture to state that thank goodness the wheels of change have been turning!!! and interior designers and architects at the forefront of the wellness design movement are integrating wellness design principles into their client designs. This is something I am passionate about and love to bring to the attention of new clients as an added bonus that is available to them for their own homes. Facilitating environments that affect my client's well-being is not only a huge privilege, but it is a win-win as it has the capacity to boost both their well-being and my well-being! Source: Smith, D., Metcalfe, P. & Lommerse, M., 2012, “Interior architecture as an agent for well-being”, Journal of the HEIA, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 2-9.
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